Client Testimonials

"Piper's course was amazing. I loved the community group and her quick responses to questions!"

"I think this course is amazing! I felt so confident and ready to talk to doctors who had different opinions or ideas (such as asking me to eat more carbs). Thank you for doing this!"

"Highly recommend this course. I did this course while I was trying to get pregnant with my 4th and now I am pregnant and following along just as much. It definitely helped me to feel confident with evidence based research and being able to use this knowledge to advocate for myself to people and make informed decisions."

"Piper, you have no idea how thankful I am that you have put in all the work to mentor, teach and bring crucial education to this area. Ever since I was little I was SO frustrated with how endos and other healthcare providers would tell me to live. I was never satisfied. Never encouraged to actually be healthy and find freedom in my diseases. It always felt like a handicap and I felt so alone with what I believed was right - how to approach diabetes. Now that I’m pregnant and my health is not just impacting me (although it always impacts those around me in some way) but my baby as well… THIS content is so very important. It is critical. Thank you for talking about it and pouring yourself into this. Advocating for us. I am so incredibly grateful. Sent from my iPhone."